| Results:77
Company Info ::::

service description:

GAPAMAT Ltd. from July 2010, represents one of the largest Czech manufacturers of mats and area cleaning company GAPA MB s.r.o. from Mlada Boleslav (www.gapa.cz) in Serbia.

Most hygiene problems occur because the surface cleaning is not done by microbes and other micro-organisms. Given that our company produces and sells entrance cleaning zone we are looking for solution how to reduce bringing in waste and dirt with footwear to catering facilities, food production facilities, etc.

Our doormat FULWELL is made of nitrile rubber you can pour remedy recommended by epidemiologist. Clean and wash your footwear then wipe on our doormat SHATWELL or CLEANWELL ATRIUM. The material of our doormats is resistant to standard hygiene remedies and disinfectants which can be found on our market.

For indoor use we recommend red industrial mat SANITESS DE LUXE which is resistant to chemicals. These mats are anti-slip and they reduce tiredness of workers legs.


Optimal solution for large rooms with increased traffic.
It is made of an extremely durable material resistant to creasing more than any other carpets that is currently available on the market. This material can be used for interior and exterior too.

Disinfectant mat FULWELL

Fullwell doormats are are designed for perfectly removing microbes and other microorganisms. These doormats are mostly used in food production facilities and in facilities for animal breeding. Mats are manufactured for heavy loads.

More contacts:

  • Vladimir Jančić
    Tel.: 063/844-42-84, 

your images:

disinfectant mat
entrance mats
entry zone cleaning
Company Info ::::

service description:

-Manufacture of wire products-

We are producing and selling wire products, such as:
galvanized and pvc coated universal mesh
construction and craft nails of all sizes
barbed wire
galvanized and pvc coated wires with various thickness
concrete and metal poles
fence installation services
stretchers for wires

The production is automated and in accordance with standards.
We do installation services professionally with modern machines and with all required tools.

We want peoples to recognize us by our quality work, that is the reason why we try to make high quality products and services.


Metalouniverzal szr
Tekelijina 16
21000 Novi Sad

tel. 021/6341-114
fax. 021/6330-106

web : www.metalouniverzal.co.rs


your images:

 panel fence
artificial grass fence
artificial hedge
burned wire
construction nails
enclouser cover with plastic
fence making
galvanized plasticized panels
galvanized wire
grif knitwear
installation of fences
installation of gates and fences
little concrete pillars
Mesh galvanized
metal fences
nail manufacture
panel fences
plasticized pillars
plasticized round pillars
plastificated njire
pocink pletivo
pvc strips for panels
sell galvanized wire
stingly wire
universal Mesh
Universal Wire Mesh from plastic
Universzalis háló drót
wavy knit
wire and web
wire fence
wire product
wire wholesale
woven wire fence
Company Info ::::

service description:

The company "Terming doo" from Kula was established in 1996, when the use of biomass as an energy source was just an idea of innovative. However our main product from the beginning is a boiler to burn straw and residues of plant origin.

Our boilers can be applied in heating of:
  • individual houses
  • workshops, halls, warehouses
  • pig farms
  • dryers for grains, fruits, vegetables
  • greenhouses

    We can also offer equipment with our technological solutions in each of these areas:
  • equipment for pig farms
  • construction of greenhouses, heat installation in greenhouses
  • driers for cereals
  • heat accumulators, tanks
  • solar panels, boilers, tanks
  • stainless steel and steel chimneys

    We are trying to help you to make winter cheaper and your heating more reliable.

    Kucurski put bb

    tel./faks +381/25-722-866
    tel. +381/25-726-870
    tel. +381/25-722-233
    mob. +381/63/833-09-84
    mob. +381/63/119-50-91
    Web: www.termingkula.rs
    E-mail: termingkula@gmail.com
    E-mail: info@termingkula.rs
    E-mail: terming@verat.net

    Partner for the territory of the Republic of Croatia:
    Kralja Petra Svačića 21
    Beli Manastir
    Telefon: +385/31 70 34 57

    More contacts:

    • KONTAKT :
      Tel.: 063-833-09-84, 

    your images:

    biomass boilers
biomass heating techniques
boilers for central heating
box for farrowing sows
corn drying
equipment for animal breeding
equipment for central heating
equipment for pig
floor heating
grain dryer
grain dryers
heating hall
heating system furnaces
home heating
household heating
  • Company Info ::::.

    service description:

    More contacts:

    • Tel.: 021 270 02 22, 
    • Tel.: 021 221 47 26, 
    • www.zelenilojosipovic.rs

    your images:

    conifer plant
decorative plants
evergreen trees
garden maintenance
grass carpet
grass carpets
horticulture fountain garden lake
irrigation systems
lawn Maintenance
maintenance of grass carpets
maintenance of green areas
maintenance of green areas
making pools and fountains
ornamental shrubs
park maintenance
pop up nozzles
production of carpet grass
shrub plants
turf (grass mat)
Turf grass
turf grass
wood garden
    Company Info ::::.

    service description:

    "AgroGas" Ltd is a private company. It was formed in 2000. Our company deals with:

    Traction machines and machines:
    ¤ IMT and TAFE tractors as the main program
    ¤ Tractor Yagmur - fruit-growing, as an additional tractor program
    ¤ Cultivators Valpadana
    ¤ Connecting machines to tractors and power cultivators

    Spare parts and components:
    ¤ IMT and IMR - motors and tractors
    ¤ Lomardini -motors
    ¤ IMT and TAFE - tractors

    Service and maintenance:
    ¤ IMT and TAFE - removal
    ¤ IMT and TAFE - and after warranty period
    ¤ Power cultivators - warranty period
    ¤ Terminal Machinery

    ¤ Design, installation and customer training
    ¤ Program drop by drop
    ¤ Program nozzle
    ¤ Program Typhon

    For this program Agrogas is an agent for the Indian company AQUA and for company from USA and EU.

    Grain silos for grain:
    ¤ Silo cell from 23 to 3450 tons of wheat per cell
    ¤ Equipment for silos
    ¤ Design of foundation and silo

    ...more at >>> www.www.agrogas.co.rs

    e-mail: veleprodaja@agrogas.co.rs
    e-mail: agrogas@agrogas.co.rs

    Tel.: 011/311-47-29 Tel.: 011/213-94-93

    More contacts:

    • AGRO GAS D.O.O.
      11070 Novi Beograd , Milutina Milankovića 120a
      E-mail: agrogas@agrogas.co.rsTel.: +381 (0)11 311 47 29,  Fax: +381 (0)11 313 21 28
    • Velika Ivanča
      11400 Mladenovac, MARTOVSKA BB
      Tel.: +381 (0)11 821 27 51,  Fax: +381 (0)11 821 27 52
    • Grocka
      11306 Grocka, BULEVAR REVOLUCIJE 33
      Tel.: +381 (0) 11 85 00 778, 
    • Mladenovac
      11400 Mladenovac, KRALJA PETRA I 138
      Tel.: +381 (0) 11 82 30 551,  Fax: +381 (0) 11 63 01 766
    • Međulužje
      11400 Mladenovac, VOJVODE VIĆENTIJA 18
      Tel.: +381 (0) 11 77 42 580,  Fax: +381 (0) 11 77 42 628

    your images:

    IMR Rakovica
IMT Beograd (Massey Ferguson)
Sun Spares

agrarian machine and equipment
agricultural irrigation
agricultural machine
agricultural machines
agricultural mechanical engineering
agricultural mechanization
    Company Info ::::
    Benešova 2
    Belo Blato, 23205
    Tel.: +381 23 889 978
    Fax: +381 23 889 978

    service description:

    Reed the ordinary reed, Pharagmites Comunnis, is a plant which grows by itself in swamp areas. Its reserves is almost impossible to deplete: the "harvest" of the reed is done in winter time and even if it is completely cut off, it will grow again the following year in its whole length and quantity, but better quality.

    It has been known for a long time that insects don`t attack the stalk of the reed, neither the products made of reed. During the procession of the reed, when the products get their form and firmness, no chemical binding materials are used, but, depending on the product, the stalks are bound together with a metal or plastic wire. For this reason, reed as a construction material, which is completely ecologically acceptable.

    We are a firm which deals with cutting and processing of reed. We were founded in 1991, and from that time we have successfully functioned both in domestic and foreign markets.


    Knitted reed "stucco"

    Pressed reed blocks for isolation

    Sunshades made of reed

    Roofs made of reed

    You can also follow us on Facebook:

    your images:

cane twists
cane umbrellas
decoration reed
natural reed
panels of cane
pressed cane
processing of cane
reed fences
reed heat insulation board
reed products
reed roof
reed sunshade

    service description:

    About us

    The company "Strelac Plus doo" has two complexes at two locations. One facility is in Svilajnac it contains a restaurant called "Strelac Plus", an indoor rifle shooting club "Strelac" and a shop for repair and overhaul of weapons. The second complex is located on 3 acres on a hill Bacic. This complex contains an open shooting range, a complete hunting ground, what includes open and ancillary facilities such as locker rooms, eaves for shooters and facilities for rent of weapons and munitions. Within this complex there is a hunters restaurant with nigh lodging.

    The owners of the complex Dragan and Zoran Marinkovic from Svilajnac are great lovers of hunting and firearms, so it is not a surprise that in this city they have opened a shooting club "Strelac". The doors of the club are open to all interested adult peoples.

    When someone comes to our club with the intention to try shooting he can do it without a license to possess and carry weapons, using our weapons at the shooting range in the presence of a trained instructor on the shooting range! All interested in the handling of weapons at the shooting range must be adults with identity card.
    Persons who use their own weapons can use the services of shooting if they have specified documents and identity cards. Those who wish to become members of the club and have no weapons, must undergo internal training for all types of weapons that they apply in our shooting club.

    As a part of the club there is a registered shop for repair and overhaul of weapons of all type with guarantee.

    Shooting club - Bacic hill
    35210 Svilajnac

    Phone numbers:

    +381 (0) 63 696-323

    Web: www.restoranstrelac.rs
    E-mail: strelacplus@yahoo.com

    your images:

    Browning Arms
chrome arms
closed shooting range
handling of firearms
hunter hall
hunter's all-round competition
hunting carbine
hunting ground
hunting place
hunting rifle
hunting specialties
hunting tourism
lodging Svilajnac
mechanical sights
moving target
National restaurant
night hunting 
optical sight
    Company Info ::::.

    service description:

    The main activity of the company is production of grass carpets, greening areas, production of fountains and lakes and irrigation systems.

    It was established in 1990 as an agency for regulation and maintenance of green areas.

      It deals with:

    • designing

    • execution of works

    • earthwork (transportation of high-quality black soil, ground leveling)

    • raising the lawn

    • seeding

    • grass carpets

    • planting seedlings

    • construction of wetlands

    • fountains

    • stream with waterfalls

    • lakes

    • systems for automatic irrigation "Hunter"

    • maintenance of green areas

    • regular mowing

    • trimming of hedges, trees

    • using organic fertilizers

    • drilling of grasslands in order to achieve better water-air regime in the same

    • organic production of grass carpets

    More contacts:

    • Prodajno mesto
      Temerinski put 95
      Tel.: 063/327-999, 

    your images:

    carpet grass - natural
decorative lakes
garden pond
grass carpet
green fields arranging
irrigation systems
lawn Maintenance
lawn mower
lawn ssetting
maintenance of green areas
mulch for gardens
mulch from the bark of conifers
nursery Serbia
performance of works
    Company Info ::::.
    Gospodara Vučića 206
    Beograd, 11000
    Tel.: 011 28 31 091
    Fax: 063/411-582

    service description:

    Basketware wickerwork coopers shop

    The workshop Mladenovic is successfully working for more than 30years. The tradition and our experience are the best quality indicators of our products.

    Our products are available in Belgrade, street Gospodara Vucica 206, and manufacturing located in Krusevac.

    We are producing:
    - Baskets
    - Barrels
    - Tubs
    - Chairs
    - Tables
    - Garden furniture
    - Furniture by measure
    - Wooden goods
    - Stainless steel and wicker goods

    HIT products are swings - combination of stainless steel and wicker

    Wicker, bamboo and rattan furniture can be cleaned with wet cloth to which you add a few drops of lemon juice. If the surface is too dry what happens often with garden furniture which is outside, just cover the furniture with wet towel and leave it overnight so it can well absorb moisture. Very dirty and hard to reach places clean with soft toothbrush, then wash it with mild soap, clean it with water and leave it dry on the air, but keep away from direct sunlight. Cleaned furniture must dry well, what means couple of days. It is important to not use at that time because pressure can permanently deform it.

    If the furniture is colored to keep its color it shouldnt be wet. To make it look new repaint it with a fresh, thin layer of color, but dont try to remove the old color because you can damage its structure.

    Visit our Facebook page:

    More contacts:

    your images:

cane chair
desk and chair production
furniture from twigs
garden sets
knitted furniture
knitted sets
production barrels
string bag
tables chairs benches
wicker swings
wine barrels 
wood barrels
wooden barrels
cane chair
desk and chair production
furniture from twigs
garden sets
knitted furniture
knitted sets
production barrels
    Čenej Nemanovci 39
    Novi Sad, 21000
    Tel.: 021 6419 092
    Fax: 021 6419 092

    service description:

    your images:

box palete
elements for pallets
elements of the crate
floors in crates
palletes production
poplar boards
production of peeled elements
purpose pallets
stakes crate
wooden packaging
    Company Info ::::.

    service description:

    Our shop is available for 9 years to our customers. Our shop is working all day. We get fresh flowers several times a week, so we always have beautiful fresh cut flowers in our offer. From high quality flowers we are making bouquets, ikebana, baskets, wreaths, etc.

    We have a very large selection of pot flowers. We pay special attention for maintaining the quality. We also have artificial flowers and decorations from dried flowers.

    In our shop you can buy baskets, decorative ceramic pots, glass vases, candles, etc.
    We are making hall and vehicle decoration for weddings and for other formal occasions.


    Karađorđeva 58

    PIB 107565688
    MAT 62831995



    More contacts:

    • Tel.: 064/1231-979, 

    your images:

artifical flowers
baskets for decoration
baskets for wedding
Bouquets and Arrangements
Bouquets for the bride
bridal bouquet
car decorations
ceramic pots
decorating weddings 
decoration for wedding
decoration of halls
dressing table
dryed flowers
engagement basket
    Company Info ::::.
    Stevana Vukomanovića-Čike 15
    Novi Sad, 21000
    Tel.: 064-12-27-558
    Fax: 021-641-6-137
    Web: www.sime.rs
    E-mail: info@sime.rs


    • Privatex Pyro
    • Vulkan-Shogun

    service description:

    More contacts:

    • Šime
      Zmaj Jovina 21
      Tel.: 021/420-103, 

    your images:

    Privatex Pyro

box fireworks
catering trade
dry ice
event organization
firecrackers and rockets
firework organization
firework performance
fireworks Cake
fireworks shop

    Čenej, 21233
    Tel.: 021 714 197
    Fax: 021 221 47 22

    service description:

    Travnjak ili tepih trava?
    Ovo pitanje nam se često postavlja.

    Proizvodnja travnog busena - tepih trave

    Postavljanje tepih trave predstavlja najbrže rešenje za ozeljenjavanje vrtova, parkova i drugih zelenih površina. Jednostavno postavljanje i održavanje travnatog tepiha je najbolja alternativa za one koji nisu spremni da strpljivo čekaju izrastanje trave.

    Položeni travnati tepih je jako brzo moguće koristiti. U roku dve nedelje imaćete lep, otporan travnjak u bašti, dvorištu, parku.

    Travnjak ili tepih trava? Ovo pitanje nam se često postavlja.

    Od ranog proleća do kasne jeseni, dobro negovan
    travnjak je ukras svakog vrta. On predstavlja za vrt ono sto za sliku pretstavlja podloga. Dobar travnjak daće svakoj biljci osnovu na kojoj će se istaći u punoj lepoti, i obratno, na lošem, "ćelavom" travnjaku ceo vrtni aranžman izgubiće na lepoti. Zasnivanje dobrog travnjaka zahteva malo truda, ali rezultat će ga svakako opravdati. Najbolje vreme za ovaj posao je u rano prolećem, mart, april ili krajem leta, ali ni u međuvremenu nije kasno, naročito ako ste rešili da popravite, "zakrpite", već postojeći travnjak.

    Proizvodnja travnog busena - tepih trave

    Busen je proizveden od najkvalitetnijih smeša travnog semena i dobija se skidanjem specijalizovanom mašinom za sečenje.

    Mašinsko automatsko skidanje travnog busena sa pakovanjem na palete.
    Dimenzije paleta na koje se pakuje travni busen su:
    - 80cm x 120cm
    - 100cm x 120cm
    - 120cm x 120cm

    your images:

    carpet grass - natural
    Company Info ::::.

    service description:

    ETALON - a new name in the field of amelioration

    We deal with design, installation and maintenance of irrigation systems, in gardens, parks, sports fields, orchards and nurseries. We also deal with design and maintenance of drainage systems in gardens, parks, sports facilities, construction fields... We design and build disinfection barriers for farms and fodder factories, which are suitable for existing objects.

    There are more than 200 finished representative irrigation systems behind us that we built for other companies. We can be proud of the works which were the most significant projects in the field of irrigation in the country and in surrounding countries. 10 years of experience of fieldwork is the guarantee for quality.

    Knowing the pros and cons of existing companies which deal with irrigation, we are ready to give all our energy and strength into the field of irrigation and drainage systems which will be easy to recognize.

    We would like to become a new, modern, efficient and correct company in which we will build in all of our acquired knowledge and experience.

    S.Z.R. "ETALON"

    Address: Maršala Tita 86, Ečka

    Owner: Nadlački Radivoj - Rasa, graduate engineer

    E-mail: nadlackirasa@gmail.com

    Telephone/fax: 023/882-473

    Cell phone: 063/523-311, 065/3523-311

    Web address: www.etalon-szr.rs

    your images:

    agricultural irrigation
automatic irrigation
automatic watering systems
disinfection bariers
drainage systems
equipment for irrigation and watering
installation of automatic irrigation system
Irrigation equipment
irrigation of sports fields
irrigation systems
irrigation systems
irrigation systems for gardens
micro irrigating
micro watering
systems for drip irrigation
trickle watering
watering lawns
watering systems
agricultural irrigation
automatic irrigation
    Company Info ::::.
    Profesora Grčića bb
    Novi Sad, 21000
    Tel.: 021 310 0073
    Fax: 021 6417 148

    service description:

    * Production, catalog sales of seasonal and balcony flowers and Mediterranean plants: bugenvilea, lantana, gentian aristolohie, pandorea

    * Perennials: hoste, heuchera, phlox, etc.

    * Spices and herbs: stevia, mint, gulan, aronia, goji, lonicera

    * Decorative bushes and water plants

    At the nursery garden "Mali Vrt" (small garden) you can find everything you need for your small or large garden. We follow your needs every year to satisfy the demands. Our offer includes a spring and fall season.

    All plants are domestically produced,- in other words - they are being grown in our climate, so the plants will easily adjust to your conditions and progress without time of adaption. It`s up to you to plant them in the right place and - of course - to take care of them. And they will reward you for the effort you invested, in a short time with an image as it is in the photograph.

    - bulbs, daffodils, ranunculus, amaryllis, primula, room primula, creeper plants, kalanhoja, cyclamen, geraniums, surfinia, fuchsia... etc...

    - plants from the catalog and other seasonal plants, flowers

    - plants from the catalog and other autumn plants: decorative cabbage, decorative cole, violets, chrysanthemums and other seasonal plants

    - houseplants, calatea, maranta, ficus elastica tricolor, hedera helix, spatifilum, hlorafitum, singonijum, saflera ...

    your images:

    catalog sales of flowers
flower growing
growing flowers
ornamental shrubs.
producing flowers
seasonal flowers
spice production
wood garden
catalog sales of flowers
    Company Info ::::.
    Kulinovačko Polje IV/49
    Čačak , 32000
    Tel.: 032/376-055
    Fax: 032/376-051

    service description:

    your images:


inox fences
inox tubes
interior of stainless steel
prohrom exterior 
prohrom fence
prohrom interior
stainless materials
stainless steel
stainless steel accessories
stainless steel constructions
stainless steel elements 
stainless steel interiors
yard fences

inox fences
inox tubes
interior of stainless steel
prohrom exterior 
prohrom fence
prohrom interior
stainless materials
stainless steel
stainless steel accessories
stainless steel constructions
stainless steel elements 
stainless steel interiors
yard fences

    Company Info ::::.
    Jurija Gagarina 84/1
    Beograd, 11000
    Tel.: 011/22-78-052
    Fax: 011/22-78-052

    service description:

    your images:

horticulture fountain garden lake
new technologies in horticulture
    Company Info ::::.
    Sime Šolaje 68
    Stara Pazova, 22300
    Tel.: 022/310-581

    service description:

    More contacts:

    • Tel.: 022/315-626, 
    Company Info ::::.
    Majšanski put 126
    Subotica , 24000
    Tel.: 024/576-252
    Fax: 024/682-370

    service description:

    your images:

electric hand tool
import and distribution of electrical equipment
labour sfty. clothing
    Dimitrije Tucoviča 14.
    Senta , 24400
    Tel.: 024/816-363
    Fax: 024/817-115


    • INKA

    service description:

    More contacts:

    • Balog Rudolf

    your images:


artificial stone
    | Results:77
